A better way to buy pouches.

Premium quality pouches for an unbeatable price!

A better way to buy pouches.

Can Features

Made of high quality CNC Aluminum with an extra compartment for used pouches.

Can Features

Frequently asked questions

How do I edit, adjust, or cancel my subscription?

To edit, adjust, or cancel your subscription go to our account login page and click "Manage subscriptions". From there you will create an account and once complete, you can manage your subscriptions directly within your account.

"How long does shipping take?"

Expect to recieve your package in 2-5 business days from the time you place the order.

"What are Nico Pouches made of?"

Our pouches are produced to the highest quality standards containing high-quality nicotine, food-grade fillers, natural flavors, and sodium bicarbonate for pH balance. We do not use any form of tobacco in our pouches and they are manufactured right here in the United States.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews

The convenience, the price, the pouch. 10/10

Thank you for your support!


Highly recommend. Some of the best pouches I have ever had.

We appreciate your recommendation!


These give zyns a run for their money

Jordan K.

needs more flavors but decent pouches.

Your wish might just come true—more variety could be on the way! Thanks for your review.

Alex F.

Great concept but the pouches came wrinkled. Great pouch for price though. I used to spend half my paycheck on zyns

We hear you on the wrinkles, well have bigger bags with more space soon! Look out for updates!